Good ,Sneaky latte's & food · Its all about the Sharing

Possibly the nicest coffee i have ever had …..

So I like a sneaky latte, there’s no issue with that , I and I will continue to hunt down the best  one on my travels. I MAY have stumbled across the perfect recipe  though so I thought I would share…..

A Big old Mug ( with a nice big circumference  that takes to hands to hold ) for that warm  fuzzy feeling…. A big old slug of  ” THE MAGICAL INGREDIENT  FOR ANY COFFEE “ In this case lemon Meringue   syrup. And yes, im sorry i didn’t measure exactly ,

A good old fashioned Tassimo  coffee pod, run twice through the machine  just to getCARTE NOIRE Expresso  the extra strength  for the Mix , With a large Latte  portion , again run twice  through  the machine

I don’t know  if it was just the ingredients, or the Delicate way  I stirred it (  who am I kidding )  but  it was lovely, and  for a large coffee with syrup, I worked out it only cost about 60p

Tassimo & Monin are 2 names that definitely go well together and I will be telling them so